The Dominion:
Fate and Destiny

The Dominion: Fate and Destiny is a science fiction/fantasy setting based in a futuristic version of the galaxy. Taking influences from several classic and modern archetypes, The Dominion: Fate and Destiny provides a myriad of styles to engage with. Those who prefer the more fantasy elements will enjoy the stories involving species such as the Orcin, the Elfinkind, and the Anthromin while those with a preference for more futuristic elements have the Genetech, scientifically created superhumans.

The core concept behind the Dominion setting is the power of faith and the effect Humanity's growing power has on the "Veil of Reality", that metaphysical shield which keeps reality and impossibility separate. When the Veil becomes strained, there is a possibility it can tear due to the overwhelming mental power that Humanity has. Once torn, Humanity can tap into the realm beyond and begin to perform impossible feats of science, invention, and even what some call magic. But the beings that exist in that Abyss beyond the Veil feed on the energy Humanity creates with emotions and they can pour through into reality to feed. The struggle for Humanity to not only survive but progress is the basis behind most tales within the Dominion: Fate and Destiny galaxy.

What will your story look like?

About the Author

Kyle Payne is the author and creator of the Dominion setting, who has been playing tabletop role-playing games for over twenty years. After spending over a decade building his own custom setting, he completed the Dominion: Fate and Destiny gaming system as a hybrid blend of science fiction and fantasy with the goal to provide a game that fans of all different genres can play. In the Dominion: Fate and Destiny setting, the power of perception and influence of belief balance the fantastic and futuristic in a galaxy spanning tale.